Cookie Policy
This page describes how cookies are managed on our website www.lungarnocollection.com. This information is only provided for the Lungarno Alberghi S.r.l. website (hereinafter also referred to as “Lungarno”) and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user via links. This statement supplements the privacy policy available at the following link (https://www.lungarnocollection.com/privacy-policy/)
The Data Controller is: Lungarno Alberghi S.r.l.
registered office VIA TORNABUONI 2 — 50123 – (FI)
Email: privacy@lungarnocollection.com
The Data Protection Officer (DPO) can be contacted by email at: dpo@lungarnocollection.com
Cookies are text strings created by a web application and stored on the client used by the user to access the Internet (PC, smartphone, tablet, etc.) to then be retransmitted when the user next goes online. Cookies allow us to collect information about the user’s website browsing, for example, to remember your language preferences or the currency used for a purchase. Cookies can be permanently stored on your device and have a variable duration (persistent cookies), but they can also vanish when you close your browser or have a limited duration (session cookies). Cookies can be installed by the site you are visiting (first-party cookies), or they can be installed by other websites (third-party cookies).
Similar technologies, such as web beacons, transparent GIFs and all forms of local storage introduced with HTML5, can be used to collect information on the user’s behaviour and use of the services.
Depending on the characteristics and use of cookies, we can distinguish different categories:
- Strictly necessary cookies. These cookies are essential for the correct operation of the Site and are used to manage your session, login and access to the Site’s restricted functions. The duration of the cookies is strictly limited to your work session (when you close your browser, they are deleted).
- Analytics and performance cookies. These cookies are used to collect and analyse site traffic and usage. These cookies allow, for example, to detect if the same user goes online again at different times. They also allow you to monitor the system and improve its performance and usability. These cookies can be disabled without any loss of functionality.
- Profiling cookies. These cookies are used to create a user profile and then send them advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user during prior browsing.
Third-party cookies
When visiting a website, you may receive cookies from both the website you are visiting (“first-party”) and from websites operated by other organisations (“third-party”). A notable example is the presence of “social plugins” or the integration of third-party maps. These are parts of the page visited generated directly by the afore-mentioned sites and integrated into the page of the host site. The most common use of social plugins is to share content on social networks, while maps allow the activity to be located according to the established geographical coordinates.
The presence of these services results in the transmission of cookies to and from all sites operated by third parties. The handling of information collected by “third parties” is governed by the relevant statements that you should refer to.
For more information on the types of cookies, their characteristics and how they work, you can consult the sites http://www.allaboutcookies.org, www.youronlinechoices.com, http://cookiepedia.co.uk and the new provision of the Garante Privacy [Italian Data Protection Authority] Linee guida cookie e altri strumenti di tracciamento — 10 giugno 2021 (https://www.garanteprivacy.it/home/docweb/-/docweb-display/docweb/9677876).
Our site contains the cookies listed in the table at the end of this document. The user can select/deselect the individual categories of cookies through the banner on the website or by configuring their browser. As a rule, these programs also allow you to specifically opt to block third-party cookies. Each browser has different procedures for managing cookies, here is a link to the specific instructions of the most popular browsers:
- Microsoft Edge: https: //support.microsoft.com/it-it/help/4027947/microsoft-edge-delete-cookies
- Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?hl=it
- Apple Safari: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1677?viewlocale=it_IT
- Mozilla Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Attivare%20e%20disattivare%20i%20cookie
We also remind you that by completely disabling cookies in your browser, you may not be able to use all the interactive features.
The processing related to the web services of this website takes place at the afore-mentioned registered office of the Data Controller and is only handled by authorised personnel specifically appointed for this purpose. If necessary, the data may be processed by the personnel of the company that takes care of the maintenance of the technological part of the site.
We also inform you that, with regard to the same data, you may exercise at any time the rights provided for in Chapter III of EU Regulation 2016/679. In particular, you can ask the Data Controller to access, rectify or erase data concerning you, to object in whole or in part to the use of the data, and exercise other rights recognised by the applicable rules. These rights can be exercised by writing to privacy@lungarnocollection.com
Furthermore, pursuant to Article 77 of EU Regulation 2016/679, you can also lodge a complaint with the Autorità Garante per la Protezione dei Dati [Italian Data Protection Authority] if you consider that the processing breaches the afore-mentioned Regulation.
Map of cookies (to download, click here)